LGBT Asylum Support samen met Gayglers (Google) tijdens Utrecht Canal Pride 2022 

Tomorrow, Saturday 4 June, LGBT Asylum Support will be our guest with about 100 LGBT asylum seekers of which 40 LGBT asylum seekers will sail on the Gaygler boat (Google) with boat number 43. With the theme #HoldTightEverywhere, the Gaygler community symbolically supports and embraces the fact that you should be able to be who you are, but that this is not self-evident in other countries. On the boat, LGBT asylum seekers sail along who have fled from those very countries and who were invisible out of self-preservation. Nevertheless, they often encounter the homophobic culture again in their reception. Together with COA, LGBT Asylum Support is working to set up more and more LHBTI units in asylum seekers’ centres, something that is extremely important so that LHBTI asylum seekers can also be themselves there. 

All the LGBT asylum seekers we let come to Utrecht that day – the youngest being 17 and the oldest 74 – we show them what Pride is, we offer them a wonderful day and they come from all the asylum seekers’ centres in the Netherlands. Would you like to contribute to our travel expenses? We would love to. Foundation LGBT Asylum Support, Triodos, IBAN NL47 TRIO 0212 4621 72 Thank you! 

#LGBTAsylumSupport #lhbtiasielzoekers #Gayglers #lgbtlove #pridemonth #Pride #utrechtpride

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